National Asbestos Awareness Week April 1-7, 2017

S. RES. 98 Designating the first week of April 2017 as “National Asbestos Awareness Week”.

March 27, 2017
03/29/2017 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.  (All Actions)
Senator Jon Tester

Mr. Tester (for himself, Mr. Markey, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Daines, Mr. Durbin, Mrs. Feinstein, Ms. Warren, Mr. Merkley, and Mr. Leahy) submitted the following resolution;


Designating the first week of April 2017 as “National Asbestos Awareness Week”.

Whereas dangerous asbestos fibers are invisible and cannot be smelled or tasted;

Whereas the inhalation of airborne asbestos fibers can cause significant damage;

Whereas asbestos fibers can cause cancer (such as mesothelioma), asbestosis, and other health problems;

Whereas symptoms of asbestos-related diseases can take between 10 and 50 years to present themselves;

Whereas the projected life expectancy for an individual diagnosed with mesothelioma is between 6 and 24 months;

Whereas generally, little is known about late-stage treatment of asbestos-related diseases, and there is no cure for asbestos-related diseases;

Whereas early detection of asbestos-related diseases may give some patients increased treatment options and might improve the prognoses of those patients;

Whereas the United States has substantially reduced the consumption of asbestos in the United States, yet the United States continues to consume tons of the fibrous mineral each year for use in certain products throughout the United States;

Whereas asbestos-related diseases have killed thousands of people in the United States;

Whereas while exposure to asbestos continues, safety and prevention of asbestos exposure has significantly reduced the incidence of asbestos-related diseases and can further reduce the incidence of asbestos-related diseases;

Whereas thousands of workers in the United States face significant asbestos exposure, which has been a cause of occupational cancer;

Whereas thousands of people in the United States die from asbestos-related diseases every year;

Whereas a significant percentage of all asbestos-related disease victims were exposed to asbestos on naval ships and in shipyards;

Whereas asbestos was used in the construction of a significant number of office buildings and public facilities built before 1975;

Whereas people in the small community of Libby, Montana, suffer from asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma, at a significantly higher rate than people in the United States as a whole; and

Whereas the designation of a “National Asbestos Awareness Week” will raise public awareness about the prevalence of asbestos-related diseases and the dangers of asbestos exposure: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate—

(1) designates the first week of April 2017 as “National Asbestos Awareness Week”;

(2) urges the Surgeon General of the United States to warn and educate people about the public health issue of asbestos exposure, which may be hazardous to their health; and

(3) respectfully requests that the Secretary of the Senate transmit a copy of this resolution to the Office of the Surgeon General.

New York Lemon Law |The Lemon Law Attorneys| By Mantu

New York Lemon Law |The Lemon Law Attorneys| By Mantu

New York tenants have a likelihood three lemon laws open to them when they purchase a defective auto. There is a New York New Car lemon law, a New York Used Car lemon law, and an administration lemon law. Our New York lemon law legal counsellor will have the ability to make sense of which of these lemon laws may apply to your condition. 
Under the New York New Car lemon law an auto meets the essentials of the lemon law if: 
(1) a comparative defect or condition is obligated to repair no less than 4 times inside 18,000 miles or in the midst of the underlying 2 years after the primary movement date (whichever is earlier) and the disfigurement continues; or 
(2) the vehicle is out of organisation on account of repair no less than 30 days in the midst of a comparative period communicated in. 

In case your auto meets the new auto lemon law requirements, then you may be met all requirements for give back your lemon auto for an identical auto, which is not a lemon, or a rebate of the sticker price less a settlement for use. 

The New York Used Car lemon law applies to cars that cost more than $1,500.00 and have more than 18,000 miles however under 100,000 miles at the period of acquisition. If there is a distortion in the auto which continues existing after 3 repair attempts or which makes the auto be out of organisation for 15 days, then you may meet all necessities for mitigation under the New York used auto lemon law. 

The third lemon law is the administration Magnum-Moss Warranty Act. This "administration lemon law" applies to all stock, including cars, which are purchased with a created ensure. Under this lemon law, the warrant is required to repair the auto inside a sensible time to make it change in accordance with the created ensure. Our New York lemon law attorney can help you choose if your auto meets the requirements of this lemon law. 

The New York lemon laws are likely the most broad in the country in that they apply to both new and used automobiles. Our New York lemon law legal counsellor will review your potential cases to no end out of pocket. Besides, in case you have a case under any of the above lemon laws, the maker or dealer will pay the costs and legal counsellors charges required in looking for after your lemon law affirm. 

Is Your Car a Lemon under the New York Lemon Law? 

In case you have a 2010 or more breakthrough show year vehicle that has had repeated repairs or has been out of organisation for a couple days, it may be a lemon under the New York Lemon Law and you may be met all requirements for a cash settlement, rebate or another auto. Notwithstanding the likelihood that your vehicle does not meet the lemon law requirements, you may even now be met all requirements for a cash settlement, rebate or new auto under government law. These laws can apply to used cars too. 

You paid a significant measure of money for your vehicle and can't remain to delay in settling the issues with your vehicle. The more you hold up, the harder it will be to decide your case. You ought to act quickly and acquaint your issues with the maker. Our proficient legal advisory are here to walk you through each piece of the lemon law process and make it smart and basic. The greater part of everything, we can put a conclusion to the cerebral torments with your auto.

New York Lemon Law Consumer Guide

The law covers both new and used automobiles, including "demos," which satisfy the going with four conditions: 
  • The auto was secured by the producer's new auto ensure at the period of novel transport; and 
  • The auto was procured, leased or traded inside the before of the underlying 18,000 miles or two years from the date of novel transport; and 
  • The auto either: (a) was procured, leased or moved in New York, or (b) is before long selected in New York; and 
  • The auto is basically used for individual purposes. A couple instances of cars that are secured by the new auto lemon law are: 
  • another auto purchased or leased from a New Jersey shipper and enlisted in New York; 
  • a year-old, demonstrator auto with under 18,000 miles got from a New York trader and enrolled in New Jersey; 
  • a used auto with under 18,000 miles and under 2-years old, got from a Connecticut dealer and enrolled in New York; 
  • a used auto with under 18,000 miles and under 2-years old, got as a gift from a buddy and enrolled in New York.

What Is The Manufacturer�s Duty To Repair

Regarding those secured autos sold and enrolled in New York, the law forces an obligation upon the maker to repair, for nothing out of pocket and with no deductible, any imperfection secured by guarantee, if the buyer tells the producer or its approved merchant of such deformity inside the initial 18,000 miles of operation or two years from the first conveyance date, whichever starts things out. Once opportune notice of the imperfection is given, the maker may not charge for the repairs, paying little mind to when the repairs are performed. Any customer who has been charged for such repairs or a deductible amid such period ought to contact the Attorney General's office.

NJ Bar Association Seek Re-Nomination of Judges of Compensation and System Wide Procedural Improvements

NJ Bar Association Seek Re-Nomination of Judges of Compensation and System Wide Procedural Improvements

The NJ State Bar Association is urging Gov. Chris Christie to reappoint qualified workers’ compensation judges who are eligible for tenure.
Read the letter to Gov. Christie here. (March 22, 2017)

The organization also offered proposals to the Division of Workers’ Compensation to promote efficiency in processing formal claims.
Read the letter to the Division of Workers' Compensation here. (March 22, 2017)

Look Down For 2017 Top Mesothelioma Attorneys by mantu

Look Down For 2017 Top Mesothelioma Attorneys by mantu

Best tips to choose a Mesothelioma legal advisor for you

sponsor who has functional involvement in the legitimate forte. After various years working in this space my own life crossed with my master life when a dear partner of the family was resolved to have the deadly sickness of Mesothelioma. A legitimate counsel had starting at now been held when I was made aware of this dearest family allies condition and what took after was an awful dream. The close-by mesothelioma attorney that had been picked plainly required contribution in the space and showed up not to have the financial resources for totally look for after the case. Phone calls were not returned and in the long run a not as much as attractive settlement was come to. I guaranteed that I would never allow another person dealing with the misfortune of losing a companion or relative to such a cunning disease to be further cheated by the results of enrolling a not as much as amazing attorney in their depiction of need. This site will never highlight a firm that hasn't been eventually considered by me in light of their experience, indissolubility, and case execution.
You can discover all you have to think about mesothelioma on our site. We have a rundown of the main 10 mesothelioma legal ad visors in USA and have positioned them on the premise of a specific positioning criteria. Invest some energy in our site to know everything about mesothelioma and how to locate the best mesothelioma legal counsels keeping in mind the end goal to get remuneration which you merit.

How to Select a Mesothelioma Attorney?

Picking the right mesothelioma attorney is basic as it is hard to take after the asbestos introduction and besides recognising the association responsible for the revealed asbestos condition. You need to consider a couple key concentrations while picking a mesothelioma legitimate guide which are, 

1. Fundamental Know-how: Ensure that the legal advisory offers singular organisation. Most of the mesothelioma lawyers imply clients to other law workplaces for a conventional charge and they will have nothing to do with you later. Find a lawful guide that will safeguard you out with the whole real process and the one that has the experience and what's more the advantages which are central to manage the case 

2. Mesothelioma Experience: Keep the convenient considerations at the highest point of the need list that consolidate the legitimate guide's district of authority, the measure of costs charged by them and time-traverse of case summit, scan for a firm that spotlights fundamentally or exclusively on arraigning mesothelioma cases, know the related learning and reputation of the legal counsel-or and how extraordinary their correspondences aptitudes are 

3. Responsive: You should be truly okay with the named mesothelioma legal counsellor as he will be the person who will help you with the whole legitimate process and get you compensation by winning the case. The attorney should mind enough to respond to your calls much of the time and alluringly. It can confuse for the mesothelioma losses when the lawful advocate won't answer your phone calls. Some are really responsive while others may respond till you have assented to a depiction course of action 

4. Comes to fruition Speak: It is a savvy thought to investigate the chronicled scenery of the best mesothelioma legitimate advisers shortlisted by you. On occasion the best cases are settled while sooner or later the mesothelioma law workplaces have a reputation in picking only those cases that have the higher probability of getting settled and the defendants know they are most likely going to be outgunned in trial. It is pressing for your lawful advocate to walk you through the inconspicuous components of your case, elucidate the strong and weak concentrations and be completely real about the potential results for compensation get and moreover manufacture a course of occasions 

5. Regard your Gut sentiments: No matter how awesome a mesothelioma legal advisor would look on paper, if you don't feel he is the perfect individual to choose have a go at finding someone else with whom you have a prevalent understanding and working relationship. Picking the right legitimate counsel-or can help you in getting the right settlement so this assurance technique is supported paying little heed to each second of yours.

Mesothelioma Law Firm Ranking Matrix

He law office ought to have involvement in managing mesothelioma cases. 
The law office ought to be amazingly educated in asbestos laws and earlier cases. 
Search for a law office that spotlights exclusively on asbestos-related cases. 
Search for law offices with a stellar notoriety in taking care of asbestos cases. 
The law office ought comprehend asbestos laws, as well as have broad information of medicinal issues related with asbestos maladies. 
The law office ought to dependably keep you refreshed on what's happening for your situation. In spite of the fact that lawyers are occupied individuals, they ought to be open. 
You ought to dependably get an underlying counsel at no charge before choosing a firm.
This is a standout amongst the most regularly made inquiries, which is justifiable, as a great many people who are managing an asbestos-related sickness for the most part would prefer not to invest energy in a court. By and large, you won't need to go to court. Most mesothelioma claims are dealt with through settlements. 

In a few examples, be that as it may, if the resistance doesn't concede to a settlement or on the off chance that you don't concur on a settlement, you may need to go to trial, which requires going to court. An accomplished law office will help you through at all times, you are too sick to go to, game plans can be made to record your declaration in advance. 
Consider the possibility that I don't know which organisation presented me to asbestos. 
As beforehand specified, some portion of an asbestos law office's employment is to reveal the gatherings in charge of your asbestos introduction. The at fault gatherings are regularly producers who provided asbestos to occupation locales, which can go from one organisation to numerous. 

I have la borers' remuneration benefits. Can a law office still help me regardless of the possibility that I have other remuneration benefits? 
Other remuneration advantages, for example, specialists' pay or VA benefits, doesn't preclude you from looking for pay from the organisations who presented you to asbestos. An asbestos law office can help you record a claim against the dependable gatherings. 

Extra Tips to Remember 

When scanning for a law office, you shouldn't tight your inquiry down to your nearby group as it were. Quite possibly's your case might be documented out of state. 
An accomplished mesothelioma legal adviser ought to have no issues travelling to your city to meet with you, given that they are out of state. 

Despite the fact that the law office ought to have the capacity to give you a normal assume that you may get, giving a correct sum is incomprehensible. Any firm that promises you a correct sum ought to be viewed as dishonest. 

A mesothelioma ought to have the capacity to deal with mesothelioma cases for survivors, as well as wrongful passing cases including asbestos introduction.

Sarasota and Pinellas County Criminal Defense Attorney By Mantu

Florida Criminal Defence Attorneys Available

It takes years of experience and refined legal fitness to enough watch clients from criminal assertions. At Muscat Law, our Florida criminal protect lawful consultants have over 150 years of solidified real inclusion and have developed a notoriety of accomplishment in their field. Despite whether our clients need support investigating a development offensive or sex wrongdoings charges, our gathering of capable legal counsellor can give legal bearing and powerful shield. By getting to be distinctly familiar with our clients and endeavouring to grasp their conditions, we can reasonably keep up their rights, address their interests, and experience any inadequacies in our adversaries cases.

With the assistance of Muscat Law, our customers advantage from individual consideration, accommodating exhortation, and every minute of every day accessibility for crises. We can walk you through what's in store in each progression of your case. Muscat Law offers far reaching criminal safeguard administrations for customers all through Florida. We have been highlighted on NBC News and FOX News for our outstanding portrayal.

160+ Years of Collective Experience at Muscat Laws

At Muscat Law, we've been around too long to feel that crises just occur amid available time. We are accessible all day, every day to accept our customers' calls and to give them lawful direction when they require it. Also, for customer comfort, we offer free case assessments to kick the procedure off.
The reason for mesothelioma is introduction to asbestos. The vast majority who have been presented to asbestos have been uncovered through the working environment and are currently enduring with the infection. The cost of doctor's visit expenses and lost wages leave families in genuine money related hardship. Once determined to have mesothelioma, you have a restricted measure of time to make lawful move against those in charge of the introduction. This statute of confinements likewise applies to relatives who need to sue for wrongful passing after their cherished one has kicked the bucket. Since organizations are obligated and presentation could have been counteracted with legitimate wellbeing gear, most families document a claim to help cover restorative costs.

Our Mesothelioma Law Firm Experiences

Loveless Law has been engaging for the losses of mesothelioma and asbestos introduction for very nearly 40 years. We are the essential truly national law office with an approved legal counsel or in practically every state. Our Founder Jim Slovene's energy and duty has conveyed value and pay to more than 2,000 setbacks of mesothelioma and asbestos-related ailments. 
Our the country over arrangement of mesothelioma law office attorneys gives approach access to our nation's court structure, paying little regard to a potential setback's territory, wage, or race.
Talking with a mesothelioma law office is an essential stride for some. In the event that you've been determined to have mesothelioma or another asbestos-related infection, you might be qualified for remuneration from an organisation that made as well as sold asbestos-containing items. To see whether you have a case, and how much cash you could get, it's fundamental that you talk about your circumstance with the correct mesothelioma law office.

1. Customer Care No :- Call Muscat Law at (239) 319-4361 to talk with an accomplished Florida criminal barrier lawyer.

2.Customer Care no:-

Call Musca Law at (239) 319-4361 to talk with an accomplished Florida criminal barrier lawyer

TOP 10 Best mesothelioma attorneys 2017 in the USA By Mantu

TOP 10 Best mesothelioma attorneys 2017 in the USA By Mantu 

Mesothelioma is a sort of tumor makes in the covering of the lungs or guts, brought on by asbestos, a glow safe material that can be used as a piece of flame resistant and ensuring materials. 

Settling on a decision of a trustworthy mesothelioma lawful counselor is indispensable, regardless it is not a straightforward undertaking; just in a vague course from the inconvenience of these cases; it is hard to perceive, take after the indications of asbestos presentation in nature, survey the mischief that has been achieved by the careful association, amass strong confirmations, and in the long run get their clients sensible compensations. Consequently, the most prestigious legal advisory for mesothelioma display their organizations. There are prestigious mesothelioma lawful counsels who have been known to fight for their clients. A layout of the best 10 mesothelioma legitimate advisory is according to the accompanying.

  • Jim Sokolove

Jim Kosovo has around 38 year contribution in the mesothelioma cases field and in the midst of this period he has helped around 265,289 people all over America. He is among the legal counselors who has assisted with recovering around 6 Billion dollars. His law office, Loveless Law, accept the acclaim for peopling in all the 50 states of the U.S. The most generally perceived circumstances where he and his association have brought are related to the individual harm claims; they have given monstrous legal support to their clients.

  • ELS Law

ELS Law is a firm incorporates a segment of the best mesothelioma lawful guides in the country; James F. Early, Jennifer Schiaparelli, Robert J. Sweeney and Chris Monotheist. This is a national-level firm and it is prevalent for getting countless compensations especially for the people who were introduced to asbestos at any period, and in any shape, over the traverse of their life, and moreover the people who are resolved to have mesothelioma. ELS Law has hunt out asbestos indictment cases down more than three 

  • Simmons Hanly Conroy

Jo-John Simmons, Paul Haney and Jayne Convoy are such prestigious lawful consultants of a not too bad reputation that numerous people contract. They are mesothelioma trial legal counselors who has been helpful in recovering their clients as much as 5 billion dollars in settlements and choices. They in like manner encounters arrangement of complex systems and examinations thus giving their clients a five star exhorting. Their law office is invested critical energy in mesothelioma related cases, and shields the losses of corporate wrongdoing generally speaking.

  • Weitz and Luxenberg 

Attorneys Weight and Gutenberg has been coordinating in this field since a long time. They have developed a strong working bond that they both casing a better than average bundle of mesothelioma trial attorneys. Their first truly accomplishment was to win the choice for 36 men who worked for the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Since this Goliath accomplishment the firm has been developing and has now got more than 85 attorneys in its area. Weight and Gutenberg has formed into the wealthiest law office in the country and has given its clients world-class organizations.

  • Cooney and Conway 

Cooney and Conway was set up in Chicago 58 years back. Starting at now, it incorporates more than 20 legitimate instructors who have various years contribution in the mesothelioma guarantee field thus exhibiting their best in indictment frameworks of various cases. The organization's legitimate consultants have won an impressive measure of cases which engaged them to recover epic measure of compensations for their clients who were resolved to have mesothelioma after prologue to asbestos.

  • Various Rice 

meteorically The law office made by Motley Rice was built up in 2007. Despite the way that it is no old firm, it has finished earth shattering mesothelioma claims settlements. Different Rice has experienced lawful advocates in the many-sided suit techniques. The law office holds colossal records of productive settlements and satisfying compensations for their clients, especially the people who were resolved to have mesothelioma due to postponed asbestos presentation. Other than asbestos presentation cases the association in like manner took assurance cases of the 9/11 event and won security claims for dynamically the 6,600 families.

  • Kazan, McClain, Satterley and Greenwood 

This firm was built up in 1974, and right now it has got 25 extremely talented and experienced lawyers. Kazan Law has taken cases for a large number of people and won high pay that helped their clients to purse remedial treatment for mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Lawyers California |Best Asbestos Attorney| By Mantu

Mesothelioma Lawyers California |Best Asbestos Attorney| By Mantu

Clapper, Patti Schweitzer and Mason is a California mesothelioma law office with over 30 years of accomplishment. Our lawful consultants have recovered a large number of dollars in settlement pay for mesothelioma (asbestos tumor) patients and their families who have lived and worked in the State of California. 

We have addressed masters who were displayed to asbestos in shipyards, refineries, oceanic workplaces, improvement districts and mechanical operations all through California. Grievously, a comparative industry, shipbuilding and military proximity that has been a financial guide to Californians during the time has moreover realized a weighty segment of our locals being exhibited to asbestos and making mesothelioma and distinctive asbestos diseases. 

These diseases could have and should have been turned away. The data that was relied upon to shield asbestos contamination from happening existed as far back as the 1930's. California law grants people who make asbestos sicknesses, even from introduction in the remote past, to sue and get compensation from the fit associations. 

The law in California grants us to procure early trial dates for people with mesothelioma, so that our legal counselors can consistently absolutely resolve a case inside six months or less. California law powers commitment on the associations that sold imperfect things for the injuries brought on by their things. California juries, particularly in Los Angeles, Lammed and San Francisco Counties, have on and on allowed colossal choices for mesothelioma setbacks and their families. This record of considerable jury choices offers motivation to asbestos associations to settle cases before trial.

Mesothelioma is an extraordinary sort of danger related to asbestos presentation, and families who have been touched by mesothelioma have numerous troubles ahead. Whatever treatment choices a mesothelioma tolerant picks, treatment is expensive. A mesothelioma examination can much of the time mean cash related hardship without some kind of legitimate offer assistance.

Government shipyards in California with conceivable asbestos introduction: 

  • Seeker's Point Naval Shipyard 
  • Long Beach Naval Shipyard 
  • Female horse Island Naval Shipyard 
  • Lammed Naval Air Station 
  • 32nd Street Naval Base (San Diego) 
  • North Island Naval Air Station (San Diego)

Exclusive shipyards in California with conceivable asbestos introduction: 

  • Kaiser Shipyards 1-3 (Richmond) 
  • Bethlehem Steel Shipyard (San Francisco) 
  • Marin Shipbuilding Corporation (Causality) 
  • Triple A Shipyard (Lammed) 
  • Triple A Shipyard (San Diego) 
  • Pacific Ship Repair (San Diego) 
  • Campbell Industries Shipyard (San Diego) 
  • San Diego Marine Shipyard 
  • California Shipbuilding (Wilmington) 
  • Western Pipe and Steel (San Francisco) 
  • Western Pipe and Steel (San Pedro) 
  • Bethlehem Steel Shipyard (Terminal Island) 
  • Todd Shipyard (San Pedro) 
  • Todd Shipyard (Lammed) 
  • Moore Dry dock (Lammed) 
  • National Steel Shipyard (San Diego) 

Refineries in California: 

  • Exxon Refinery (Beneficial) 
  • Standard Oil Refineries (Richmond, San Pedro) 
  • Tosca Refining (Avon) 
  • Union Oil Refineries (Carson, Eli Segundo, Rodeo, San Pedro) 
  • Shell Oil Refineries (Dominguez, Martinez)

Casualties of mesothelioma that live in California or another state: 

Our lawyers who are specialists in mesothelioma malignancy claims, will give a free mesothelioma case assessment and will travel to your area to meet with you face to face. On the off chance that you are a relative of somebody who has been influenced by asbestos malignancy in California or any state in the U.S. get in touch with us. There is no in advance cost to you for our administrations. We are here to offer assistance. We have more than a quarter century of experience giving mesothelioma legitimate portrayal to customers in California and in addition over the United States.

Trump Administration May Bring a Surge in Occupational Disease Claims

Mesothelioma death rates remain high in the US even on the eve of an anticipated national ban of the asbestos fiber. Things may radically change for the worse as the Trump Administration goes forward with its announced intention to dismantle environmental regulation now in place and placed on-track for enactment during the former Obama Administration. With anticipated less EPA and OSHA regulation under the Trump administration, there is the potential for a serious surge of future occupational disease claims in the United States.

President Trump has remarked, “I believe that the movement against asbestos was led by the mob, because it was often mob-related companies that would do the asbestos removal. Great pressure was put on politicians, and as usual, the politicians relented.” Trump, The Art of the Comeback, 1997.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today published a report indicating that mesothelioma, a neoplasm, continues to be prevalent at high rates.
"Malignant mesothelioma is a neoplasm associated with inhalation exposure to asbestos fibers and other elongate mineral particles (EMPs). The median survival after malignant mesothelioma diagnosis is approximately 1 year. The latency period between the first exposure to asbestos fibers or other EMPs and mesothelioma development ranges from 20 to 71 years. Occupational exposure has occurred in industrial operations including mining and milling, manufacturing, shipbuilding and repair, and construction. Current occupational exposure occurs predominantly during maintenance and remediation of asbestos-containing buildings. The projected number of malignant mesothelioma deaths was expected to increase to 3,060 annually by 2001–2005, and after 2005, mortality was projected to decrease."
"During 1999–2015, a total of 45,221 malignant mesothelioma deaths were reported, increasing from 2,479 (1999) to 2,597 (2015). Mesothelioma deaths increased for persons aged ≥85 years, for both sexes, persons of white, black and Asian or Pacific Islander race, and all ethnic groups. Continuing occurrence of malignant mesothelioma deaths in persons aged <55 years suggests ongoing inhalation exposure to asbestos fibers and possibly other causative EMPs."
"Despite regulatory actions and decline in asbestos use, the annual number of malignant mesothelioma deaths remains substantial. Contrary to past projections, the number of malignant mesothelioma deaths has been increasing. The continuing occurrence of mesothelioma deaths, particularly among younger populations, underscores the need for maintaining efforts to prevent exposure and for ongoing surveillance to monitor temporal trends."
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral which was widely used in the manufacture of a variety of products beginning in the late nineteenth century. Although the majority of exposure to asbestos occurred between 1940 and 1980, in occupations such as construction, shipyards, railroads, insulation, sheet metal, automobile repair, and other related fields, exposure continues to this day. Asbestos fibers are inhaled by workers and remain in the lungs where they can cause disease. Fibers are also inhaled by family members or any other person coming into contact with asbestos wherever it may be. We believe that the evidence shows that the companies which manufactured these products knew that their products would injure people and that they actively conspired to hide this information in order to keep selling their products, and as a result, they are now being held liable for the resulting injuries.

"Workers' compensation benefits have been awarded to claimants who have been exposed to asbestos and who have suffered asbestos-related disabilities. Bolger v. Chris Anderson Roofing Co., 112 N.J.Super. 383, 271 A.2d 451 (Co.1970), aff'd 117 N.J.Super. 497, 285 A.2d 228 (App.Div.1971). The courts have recognized an asbestos exposure as causing multiple disabilities, and awards have been made for occupational exposure which have resulted in a “second disease”. Shepley v. Johns-Manville Products Corporation, 141 N.J.Super. 387, 358 A.2d 485 (App.Div.1976). Even where the exposure to asbestos can be identified as occurring 50 years earlier in the course of the employment, the resultant disease has been recognized as compensable. Bush v. Johns-Manville Products Corporation, 154 N.J.Super. 188, 381 A.2d 65 (App.Div.1977), certif. denied 75 N.J. 605, 384 A.2d 835 (1978)." Gelman, Workers' Compensation Law 3rd ed. §9,20 (Thomson-Reuters).

With the anticipated dismantling of EPA and OSHA regulations by the Trump Administration, in conjunction with a return to manufacturing jobs in the US, there remains to be seen whether there will be a resurgence of occupational disease claims and fatalities in the US,  as a result of the continued work-related exposures to such toxic substances such as asbestos.

Jon L. Gelman of Wayne NJ is the author of NJ Workers’ Compensation Law (West-Thomson-Reuters) and co-author of the national treatise, Modern Workers’ Compensation Law (West-Thomson-Reuters). 

For over 4 decades theLaw Offices of Jon L Gelman  1.973.696.7900  has been representing injured workers and their families who have suffered occupational accidents and illnesses.