Hot Topics in Workers' Compensation Law Seminar 2016 - Available from NJICLE

Hot Topics in Workers' Compensation Law Seminar

Wed. Sept. 14, 2016  Ÿ Law Center, New Brunswick 5-8:35p

This year’s program will focus on professional and ethical responsibilities concerning disclosure and protection of client confidential information throughout the course of discovery and litigation, with specific emphasis on the pretrial conference.

The seminar +reviews the Professional Code of Responsibility and it’s integration with the Rules and procedures of The Division of Workers' Compensation, and The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). 

Jon L. Gelman, Esq,. Author of Workers' Compensation Law (Thomson-Reuters) (Wayne)
Nancy J. Johnson, Esq,, Certified by the Supreme Court as a Workers’ Compensation Law Attorney, Capehart & Scatchard (Mt. Laurel)

From the Bench:
Hon. Emille Cox, Administrative Supervising Judge of Workers’ Compensation (Camden)
Hon. Ashley Hutchinson, Administrative Supervising Judge of Workers’ Compensation (New Brunswick)

From the Bar:
Christopher Gargano, Esq., Certified by the Supreme Court as a Civil Trial Attorney (Jersey City)
Steve Secare, Esq. Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Criminal Trial Attorney, District IIIA (Ocean County) Ethics Committee Secretary (Toms River)
Ralph Smith 3rd, Esq., Co-Chair, Labor & Employment Group, Capehart & Scatchard (Mt. Laurel)

From the Medical Profession:
Steven G. Crawford, M.D., Certified Medical Examiner (CIME) (Eatontown)

Panel 1Hon. Ashley Hutchinson, Steven G. Crawford, M.D., Christopher Gargano, Esq., Jon L. Gelman Esq., Esq., Nancy J. Johnson, Esq.,  Steve Secare, Esq., Ralph Smith 3rd Esq,
5:00 PM
Jon L. Gelman Esq.
Nancy J. Johnson, Esq.
5:01 PM
Ralph Smith 3rd, Esq,Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): Protection of confidential client information and ethical responsibility of Workers’ Compensation practitioners.
5:23 PM
Ralph Smith 3rd, Esq,Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): Proper protection of personal identifying information in pleadings, discovery and exhibits.
5:45 PM
Steve Secare, Esq.Recognition of and dealing with conflicts of interest.
6:07 PM
Christopher Gargano, Esq.How and when to withdraw and terminate client representation.
6:29 PM
Panel 2Hon. Emille Cox, Hon. Ingrid French, Hon. Philip Tornetta, Christopher Gargano, Esq., Jon L. Gelman Esq., Esq., Nancy J. Johnson, Esq., Steve Secare, Esq.
6:44 PM
Jon L . Gelman, Esq.Meeting the challenge of cyber security.
7:06 PM
Hon. Emille CoxMaintaining pretrial conference decorum and confidentiality of client protected information.
7:28 PM
Steve Secare, Esq.Appropriate communication method with clients, adverse parties and the Court.
7:50 PM
Hon. Philip TornettaRepresenting minors and incompetents
8:12 PM
Hon. Ashley HutchinsonSettling a claim with appropriate authority and enforcement of the settlement.
8:34 PM
Jon L. Gelman Esq.
Nancy J. Johnson, Esq
Closing Remarks
8:35 PM

NJ CLE ETHICS: This program is approved for 4.0 credits (50 minute hour), including

 4.0 ethics/professionalism credits.

Available for purchase

New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education A Division of the NJSBA
One Constitution Square, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (732) 214-8500 · Fax: (732) 249-0383 ·

Updated: September 20 2016

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