Announcing the Best Blog Designees for 2016, "the original and largest regulatory and compliance information center available for the workers' compensation industry," has announced the best blog designations for 2016:

"The blogs below were all nominated by citizens of the workers' compensation community. They were judged on several criteria. In addition to objective categories such as age of blog, frequency of posting and website traffic**, they were also assessed by an independent judging panel for content quality, value and timeliness. Designated blog category was determined by people nominating the blog. In the event of multiple nominations, the category selected by the majority of nominators was used.

"Congratulations to the winners, listed below in the order of their overall score:

Work Comp Roundup, Author Michael Stack - Category: Education

From Bob's Cluttered Desk, Author Robert Wilson - Category: National Issues

Managed Care Matters, Author Joe Paduda - Category: Medical Management

DePaolo's Work Comp World, Author David Depaolo - Category: National Issues

WorkersComp Insider, Authors Tom Lynch & Julie Ferguson - Category: National Issues

Workers' Compensation by Gelman, Author Jon Gelman - Category: Legal

The Official Medicare Set Aside Blog, Author Jennifer Jordan - Category: MSA/Settlements

Conference Chronicles, Author Varied - Category: Education

Florida Workers' Comp Adjudication, Author David Langham - Category: Legal

Work Safe, Texas, Author Varied - Category: Carrier

Franco Signor MSP Blog, Author Varied - Category: MSA/Settlements

Workers' Comp Zone. Author Julius Young - Category: Legal

MedicareInsights Blog, Author Rafael Gonzalez - Category: MSA/Settlements

Alabama Workers' Compensation Blawg, Author Varied - Category: Regional/State Specific

Evidence Based, Author Michael Gavin - Category: Medical Management

Mark Pew, Author Mark Pew - Category: Medical Management

Louisiana Comp Blog, Author Varied - Category: Regional/State Specific

Sedgwick Connection, Author Varied - Category: TPA

New Jersey Workers' Comp Blog, Author John Geaney - Category: Regional/State Specific

The Return to Work Blog, Author Varied - Category: Carrier

Simply Work Comp, Author Varied - Category: Safety/Prevention

MEMIC Safety Net, Author Varied - Category: Safety/Prevention 

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