Zika virus transmission possibilities not just through the mosquito Aedes aegypti, butalso through sexual intercourse.

Although the newly discovered two cases of transmission through sex, but scientistsnow are seeking to ascertain whether sex is at risk to become an intermediarytransmittal.

Experts feel the possibility needs to be passed on to travelers, not just expectant mothers, to avoid transmission of the virus that can cause brain damage in infants.

The first case was discovered in the 44-year-old man from French Polynesia. In liquidmaninya zika virus levels found in high amounts.

The second case occurred in 2008 in Colorado, USA. Returning from a trip to Senegal,the mosquito transmitted disease experts, Brian D Foy, feel unwell with typicalsymptoms of the viral infection that comes from mosquitoes.

A few days after his return that his wife also experienced the same symptoms. The inspection results showed them blood infected with virus zika.

But the virus was not spreading to family members or their children so that suspectedit was transmitted through sex grew stronger. Foy then reports the experience of the disease in the year 2011 and trying to figure out the cause.

Center for disease control and prevention (CDC) in the US on Tuesday (23/2) Statesare investigating 14 reports recently about the possibility of transmission of the virusthrough sex zika in the land.

Cases Transmission via Sex

Some cases involve pregnant women. In two cases suspected transmission via sex, zika virus was confirmed infecting women of their risk factors known only through sexual contact with men who are sick and not long ago to visit a local transmission of the virus zika.

For four more alleged events of transmission through sex, initial laboratory evidence issued create woman, but an examination of the assertion is still done. Eight other cases are still under investigation.

"In all of the events for which information is available, people who travel are men and report the symptoms appeared within two weeks before symptoms appeared on a pair of women who did not make the trip. As previously reported on cases of transmission through sex, this case involves the possibility of transmission of the virus from men to their sex partners, "the CDC said in a statement.

On 5 February, the CDC issued guidelines on the prevention of the transmission of the virus through sex, zika after laboratory confirmation regarding the first case contagion that virus in people who do not travel in the United States. These patients have a relationship with sexual contact with a partner who is contracting.

The guidelines suggest that men have a sex partner who is pregnant and has been residing in or visiting the area where zika spread to use condoms every time you have sex or not to have sex during their partner pregnant.

Although the virus may be transmitted through zika sex, mosquito bites remains the main way of transmission of the virus. Because there are currently no vaccines or cures for zika, the best way of avoiding contagion is to prevent mosquito bites.

Shyness and Social Anxiety

Some parents feel anxious and worried to see their son have a shy attitude. While those who are ambitious to want feel anxious about the situation that is always inferior and unable to carry out socially with friends or others.

Even people who felt most confident one day will never feel anxiety. Maybe he used only if the speech or make a presentation in public, but it could be she screamed in terror when she saw a spider in the corner of the ceiling.

If we have a high sense of shame, then forever we will never be social and get along. Especially if shyness is severe, the person will tend to close themselves, alone, and finally felt a loneliness and mental stress (depression). So that we can avoid or overcome shyness harmful, we must first recognize the shyness itself.

During this time, we assume shame is something that is not socially awkward and feel less free. In addition, we also assume that shy people are quiet people, do not like to associate with others, and self-closing. A shame synonymous with inferiority, where feelings of shame and low self-esteem is a feeling that torture and limits the association. Feelings of shame is an uneasy feeling that a person experiences the views of others above himself

Shyness and Social Anxiety
Shyness and social anxiety generally arise because the concept itself is negative. They always felt disproportionate when compared to others. The result is less confident of the ability themselves, too sensitive, lack of trust or respect, and fear of being wrong.

Shame cause a person to be stunted personal development and effects of shame is also unpleasant. To that end, the shame must be overcome.
1. Eliminate feelings of inferiority
2. Doing something earnest
3. Know yourself
4. Accept yourself for what

Terms of success in the association among others influenced by the ability to empathize, to have respect, have a sense of humor, and do not like to look for a scapegoat.

So shame someone is feeling awkward when you're in public, and the cause of the onset of shame itself which are themselves, parents, siblings, other people, and culture. Shame itself has an impact that can not reach the fullness in the association, approaching others too cautious, too self-conscious, and always looking at the negative elements were calculated in him. And as a way to overcome the shame as to eliminate feelings of inferiority, do something seriously, know yourself, and accept ourselves as we are.

THE DANGER of Obesity

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA States estimates that more than 17 percent of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are excess overweight or obese in their adult age. You see what is obesity in here. And you can knowing your body profile is already included obesity or not based on the BMI index. And we go to the danger of obesity. First what is the danger for adult and second what is the danger for children.

The real cause of obesity is not yet known with certainty. Some say the role of the gene factor very dominant there also said that because of factors behavior. But there are also some conditions increase the risk of obesity such as hypothyroidism, essential fatty acid deficiency, and menopause. Whereas in children, few things could be the cause of obesity is heredity, fast food, packaged food, soft drink, lack of physical activity, and too quick to give solid foods when the baby.

Although it can be a variety of possible reasons obesity, but that is almost certainly agreed is Obesity occurs due to intake of calories is much more greater than the calories expended. A large difference between intake and calories burned save in the body as fat. Our bodies but if excess fat need to be very dangerous.

Obese people with a body weight 40% above current from normal body weight have an increased risk of premature death of two fold. The higher the rate of obesity is high risk of health problems. Blood pressure risk also doubled. Obesity is also associated with some types of cancer. Obese women also has a two-fold risk for suffering breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Obesity is also known to play a role increases risk against hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cholesterol high, coronary heart disease, respiratory disorders, osteoarthritis, infertility, depression and stroke. This means that when you lose weight (in the correct way) will lower your risk of diseases. Remember, it must be the right way.

Obesity in children can be very disturbing, even endangering their lives. Others may see them as cute and adorable children. In fact, obesity can lead to conditions that are not lost hazard than in adults. Some of the dangers of obesity in children is a disorder the immune system, respiratory disorders up snoring (snoring therapy), likely to cause various diseases. Increased disease risk is cardiovascular disease, asthma, cancer, depression, hypertension, even liver disorders.

Another danger that found both at adults and children are shyness and anxiety. This shyness and anxiety sometime be very serious problem and influence all life side. They can't do anything they love and trapped in a very limited activity.

There is no good thing from obesity. Obesity more many cause harm than benefit. However if you are obese, you are not allowed to origin choose method. Sometimes we really want to lose weight fast, but how we choose instead harm. The body will lose or lack of essential nutrients desperately needed. And consequently the agency might be slim but physical health declined.

There is no way of fast weight loss, effective, and permanent. Efforts to lose weight takes time. In general, there are three points that need to be you notice that the pattern of food, setting sports, and setting mindset. In a state you may be forced to take medication, but for this you should consult the doctor first. Never buy drugs directly without examination by a doctor.

For children, the treatment of obesity including by increase physical activity. Spend less time in front of children computer for any reason. Maximize them to move his body. Running, catching the ball, rolling and other activities. If you are bored, replace with a more physical game. And never call them with the word "fat", because of the possibility of they will become obese as adults.

A study published in the journal Pediatrics reveal 3 simple steps which have performed on more than 8,000 preschoolers can reduce the risk of obesity. These three steps was sitting down to dinner regularly, limit time watching television, and sleep quite dramatically can reduce a child's risk of becoming obese. Very easy and cheap.

Ohio State University study found that children preschool tend to be less likely to experience obese if they eat dinner with the family more of five times per week, sleep at least 10.5 hours each night, and watched less than two hours per day on weekdays.

The main aim of obesity treatment is to gain weight. And it is very important to you realize that nothing is instant and secure in lose weight. Some of the points that must be considered in decline weight loss is setting a mindset, setting diet, exercise pattern setting, and if necessary consult a doctor to get medicine support.

Settings mindset
The first thing you should do is you should be sure that you can lose weight. This thing very important. When you believe you can lose weight, then you have to take over half way. You can continue reading here setting amid the mindset.

Dietary adjustments
Dietary adjustments different for each person. Make sure you consult with a nutritionist to find out the correct step in losing weight. Remember, any diet you do, it will not be maximized if you do not follow it with discipline. There are many ways diet are well known, please come here, this one the best.

The pattern of sports
If the calorie intake is greater than calories issued, will be the greater risk of obesity. activity and physical exercise is an attempt to burn calories. You can choose whatever sport you like. Perform an orderly and disciplined. If you need a guide, you can read here.

And in some cases, may need a doctor's analyzing further therapy.


Healthy Sleep Are Good Beginning
Healthy sleep, should be the basis of quality man. All the potential that appears at the moment awake, built during sleep. Among these are health, intelligence, ability to concentrate, creativity and emotional stability.

Physical fitness requires healthy sleep, the same as the body needs food with a healthy diet too. Sleep is a basic human need. Try it reflect what happens when we lack of sleep, tired, sluggish, difficulty concentrating, and emotionally. So lack of sleep we so easily irritable, short-tempered and impatient. In children, even appeared aggressiveness and hyperactivity.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea
If you often snore during sleep, get up early often not fresh, often waking at night because he felt suffocated, wake up thirsty, often feel sleepy and tired during the day though already slept enough, be careful, you may suffer Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Snorer looked crowded, choking and loud noise as if choke. You can use this tool if couples you or yourself snoring

OSA is a condition that causes the flow Air breathing stops during sleep, hence their inhibition or constriction in the respiration channel. The condition thereby causing oxygen supply in the body decreases, so that OSA patients can not sleep soundly. This is what causes the sufferer OSA often feel tired and sleepy during the day.

Sleep apnea is recognized as a cause hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, and impotence. OSA can occur due to swelling of the some of the organs in the mouth and throat, as swelling of the tonsils and uvula. In addition, the size of the tongue that is too large can also cause OSA. Risk OSA increases among other things for people with obesity and the elderly. 

Moreover, bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs sedatives or tranquilizers for a long time, can also be aggravate the condition.

Treatment of OSA depends on the extent to which someone suffering from OSA. Mild OSA can be treated only with exercise that tightens the muscles channel breathing. Sports such as gymnastics cheek, fitness focused on the neck, and cycling can be choice, because the sport as it can make the muscles neck and oral cavity stronger.

Strengthening these muscles is done because in general OSA sufferers have organs that sagged in windpipe. If it is severe, OSA can treated with surgery. The surgery was there levels, depending on the circumstances OSA suffered. Because OSA causes vary, the treatment also must be consulted with an expert first. One of way to see the extent to which OSA suffered is the sleep study. With Sleep Study, can known methods of treatment is right for the patient.

This method makes it possible to see the quality of sleep so that the patient can determine is the extent of what OSA suffered.

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
CPAP discovered by Prof. Colin Sullivan from Sydney University, Australia. His discovery of the first announced at the medical journal Lancet in 1981 provide a new passion for the medical world. If previous sleep apnea is left, now a variety sufferers can comfortably sleep and quality of life increased again.

The use of tools such as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) can be used to help breathing as a treatment for non-OSA patients operative. Besides avoiding sleeping on your back, but sleep sideways and regular exercise is the easiest way.

Treatment of sleep apnea using a CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) can improve the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. Already Many studies have shown that there the causal relationship between snoring and increased high blood pressure. In fact, the beginning of the discovery disease sleep apnea, it starts from observed hypertensive excessive drowsiness. After recorded his sleep, patients who originally calculated. This turned out to be suffering from narcolepsy and sleep snoring had stopped breathing during sleep.

Stop breathing during sleep occurs due to narrowing upper airway, breathing movements up even trying pumping, as if strangled, no air can pass. After shortness some time, the body will waking brain for a moment to draw breath. Oxygen in the body so down and return to normal repeatedly (intermittent) throughout the night.

Due to decreased oxygen (hypoxia) This intermittent triggering a series of reactions in the body that will affect the heart and blood vessels to increased blood pressure.

Snoring, The Sign Of Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness. Now has been known that sleep apnea can cause hypertension, heart problems, diabetes to stroke.

Diagnosis of sleep apnea definitely need examination polysomnography in a sleep laboratory. Researchers from Saskatchewan, Canada, revealed that the elbow of the couple disturbed by noise snoring can predict their sleep apnea. Research disclosed in the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians in 2012, asking 124 people were examined in a sleep laboratory, whether they never elbowed because of snoring or look crowded during sleep. 

The result is, if someone ever woken up because snoring, there is the possibility of 4 times he has stop breathing more than five times per hour. That is positive suffer from sleep apnea. While people who have woken up because it looks congested during sleep, he has the possibility of 6 times Great to have stopped breathing index of more than 5 per hour. Answer ever elbowed when snoring can be identifying sleep apnea patients by 84%.

While the answer seems ever woken up due to shortness during sleep can identify patients with sleep apnea 65%. The study looked "less work" have may actually be helpful in everyday life to recognize the likelihood of someone suffering from sleep apnea or not. Because sleep apnea risk health is not small. Question snoring or no, never elbowed because of snoring or dyspnoea sleep, can save someone's life.