Here we have mentioned about high cholesterol. In our body, cholesterol is produced by the liver as much as 80%, and 20% obtained from food. By choosing healthy food means we've greatly reduced cholesterol intake.
There are some lucky people who, for genetic reasons and living a healthy lifestyle, possess low levels of cholesterol. Other people have a genetic Certain factors, sedentary lifestyles and poor diets Eventually the which leads to high levels of bad cholesterol or LDL.
Hypercholesterolemia could produce devastating effects on the human body, such as heart attacks, strokes and atherosclerosis. We are not capable of modifying our genetic hereditary conditions, but what we can do is make a series of small "Secret" changes to our diet and lifestyle, the which will improve our levels of cholesterol and keep it under control in an easy and natural way.
You may know, side effects produced by medicine to control cholesterol sometimes produce events more damage than cholesterol itself. Hypercholesterolemia today does not have a cure. Drug can work temporarily. But in the run length of any side effects. This is why, by Following this "classic" treatment, you will probably need to consume even more medication in order to deal with the very serious side effects of drugs that combat produce cholesterol.
So the best option is to change the pattern of life and stay away from drugs in controlling cholesterol. You can read the story of a nutritionist, a former patient high cholesterol who finally found a way of therapy no drugs here.

With the simple program he has designed, he has helped more than 10, 000 Patients Reviews their control cholesterol levels with no unwanted side effects. Cholesterol is a useful and Necessary component in our daily lives, since it intervenes in the formation of cell tissue, and that is why we do not want to Eliminate it completely, but control it and avoid the damage it could cause.
So, more is needed here is how we can control the cholesterol. You can read here about the prevention and treatment against cholesterol without the use of medication