High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is one type of fatty substances or lipid. High cholesterol levels are called by hyperlipidemia. High cholesterol levels are not resulting in an any symptoms, but it is a signal harmful to the body.

Cholesterol is needed by the body to help form the cell wall. Cholesterol is the raw material of steroid hormones and also as a source of energy for body. Naturally, cholesterol is produced by the organ liver (80% of the cholesterol in the body is produced by the liver) and 20% of food and drink consumed.

Foods that can improve cholesterol levels for example egg yolk, squid, cow brain, eggs quail, alcoholic beverages, and beverages in fermentation.

There are two types of cholesterol, namely high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL). HDL is not settles in the arteries and the veins protector blood from atherosclerosis. Namely atherosclerosis the formation of plaque on the walls of blood vessels. LDL can settle in the arteries and can lead to blockage in the arteries. This blockage can lead the occurrence of heart disease and stroke.

Symptoms of High Cholesterol
In most cases, high cholesterol is not cause any symptoms. The best way to see cholesterol is to do a check up. Here are some symptoms that may appear.

1. Pain in the legs. It is caused by a blockage blood flow in the arteries. The pain may radiate up thighs and even buttocks. These symptoms usually disappear if used for walking.
2. Cramps at night. Cramping in the heel, toe, also the lower legs often occurs in people who have high cholesterol. Will be lost if the leg cramps removed or propped against the wall.
3. Changes in the nail caused by nail do not get enough blood supply. Nails become thicken and grow more slowly.
4. Changes in the skin

Normal cholesterol levels are 160-200 mg / dl. Content 200 -239 Mg / dl is a risk thresholds higher. If
more than 240 mg / dl incoming high risk and can resulting in a stroke. 

Source cholesterol 20% of which comes from food. By changing your diet or special diet, will can lower the body's cholesterol. Because 80% of cholesterol has been produced in the liver, then the case of our food it contains no cholesterol at all, the body needs remain unfulfilled.

Some ways that you can apply to reduce consumption of cholesterol are:
1. Consumption of fresh vegetables,
2. The consumption of nonfat milk,
3. The consumption of egg whites without the yolk

Foods that you should avoid if you have high cholesterol:
1. The high-fat milk, sausage, cheese
2. Fatty meats
3. The crab, shrimp, clams, eels, snails
4. yolk, squid, quail egg and cow's brain

Also do regular exercise, 3-5 times a week with running, aerobics, or treadmill. And avoid 
because nicotine cigarettes will damage your blood vessels.

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