Review of the cigarette is not new. All already know that the cigarette contained more 4000 types of chemicals and many of them could lead to cancer. Continue to smoke as well as toxins accumulate in the body.
Tobacco in the United States is estimated to have been used since 100 BC by the Aborigines. In England Tobacco was introduced in the 16th century by Sir Walter Raleigh. According to the WHO in 2010, more than a fifth (20.8%) of the world population are smokers. Cigarette consumption in China per year in 2009 was 2,163 billion cigarettes, in the United States 357 billion rods, Russia 331 billion cigarettes, and Japan 259 billion rod.
Reporting from, many smokers who worry with the possibility of weight gain if it stops smoke. But it can actually be solved by dieting discipline. Weight gain for former smokers could be because they divert the desire to smoke to the food. So snack become a substitute for cigarettes.
Given the importance of quitting smoking, and more easy it is to lose weight compared to treatment of diseases caused by cigarettes, then quit smoking more important than the increase in weight body.
For those of you who still smoke, perhaps this reading could cultivate the desire to quit smoking.
Look younger
Smoking reduces oxygen to the skin. Skin so look older. By quitting smoking, intake oxygen to the skin better, and you avoid the premature aging and wrinkles.
Avoid stress
Nicotine in cigarettes are not drugs stress. Nicotine give a temporary effect that a person becomes quieter. But the actual levels of stress people quitting decline than when they smoke.
Increasing fertility
Lining of the uterus and sperm quality will be better.
Better sex performance
Blood flow to the penis and the vagina will go more smoothly. Sensitivity will increase. Better erections and women are more easily aroused and experience orgasm.
Smile more charming
With whiter teeth and fresher breath, will be more beautiful smile.
Spared from deadly disease
Smoking triggers various diseases, including increasing the risk of heart disease. Risk smokers against heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, oral cancer, throat cancer, lip cancer, and tongue cancer will decline after quitting smoking.
Tips to quit smoking
1. Strong Intention to quit smoking and always say no to smoking
2. Focus on benefits
3. Specify when to stop
4. Ask for support on the immediate environment (friends, families, couples)
5. Actively engaged to divert the desire to smoke
6. If necessary, medical treatment with therapy nicotine replacement.
You may interested with my journey with cigarettes and how I can quit from it. So you can look around my newer post.
You may interested with my journey with cigarettes and how I can quit from it. So you can look around my newer post.