Healthy Sleep Are Good Beginning
Healthy sleep, should be the basis of quality man. All the potential that appears at the moment awake, built during sleep. Among these are health, intelligence, ability to concentrate, creativity and emotional stability.
Physical fitness requires healthy sleep, the same as the body needs food with a healthy diet too. Sleep is a basic human need. Try it reflect what happens when we lack of sleep, tired, sluggish, difficulty concentrating, and emotionally. So lack of sleep we so easily irritable, short-tempered and impatient. In children, even appeared aggressiveness and hyperactivity.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
If you often snore during sleep, get up early often not fresh, often waking at night because he felt suffocated, wake up thirsty, often feel sleepy and tired during the day though already slept enough, be careful, you may suffer Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Snorer looked crowded, choking and loud noise as if choke. You can use this tool if couples you or yourself snoring.
OSA is a condition that causes the flow Air breathing stops during sleep, hence their inhibition or constriction in the respiration channel. The condition thereby causing oxygen supply in the body decreases, so that OSA patients can not sleep soundly. This is what causes the sufferer OSA often feel tired and sleepy during the day.
Sleep apnea is recognized as a cause hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, and impotence. OSA can occur due to swelling of the some of the organs in the mouth and throat, as swelling of the tonsils and uvula. In addition, the size of the tongue that is too large can also cause OSA. Risk OSA increases among other things for people with obesity and the elderly.
Moreover, bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs sedatives or tranquilizers for a long time, can also be aggravate the condition.
Treatment of OSA depends on the extent to which someone suffering from OSA. Mild OSA can be treated only with exercise that tightens the muscles channel breathing. Sports such as gymnastics cheek, fitness focused on the neck, and cycling can be choice, because the sport as it can make the muscles neck and oral cavity stronger.
Strengthening these muscles is done because in general OSA sufferers have organs that sagged in windpipe. If it is severe, OSA can treated with surgery. The surgery was there levels, depending on the circumstances OSA suffered. Because OSA causes vary, the treatment also must be consulted with an expert first. One of way to see the extent to which OSA suffered is the sleep study. With Sleep Study, can known methods of treatment is right for the patient.
This method makes it possible to see the quality of sleep so that the patient can determine is the extent of what OSA suffered.
CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
CPAP discovered by Prof. Colin Sullivan from Sydney University, Australia. His discovery of the first announced at the medical journal Lancet in 1981 provide a new passion for the medical world. If previous sleep apnea is left, now a variety sufferers can comfortably sleep and quality of life increased again.
The use of tools such as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) can be used to help breathing as a treatment for non-OSA patients operative. Besides avoiding sleeping on your back, but sleep sideways and regular exercise is the easiest way.
Treatment of sleep apnea using a CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) can improve the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. Already Many studies have shown that there the causal relationship between snoring and increased high blood pressure. In fact, the beginning of the discovery disease sleep apnea, it starts from observed hypertensive excessive drowsiness. After recorded his sleep, patients who originally calculated. This turned out to be suffering from narcolepsy and sleep snoring had stopped breathing during sleep.
Stop breathing during sleep occurs due to narrowing upper airway, breathing movements up even trying pumping, as if strangled, no air can pass. After shortness some time, the body will waking brain for a moment to draw breath. Oxygen in the body so down and return to normal repeatedly (intermittent) throughout the night.
Due to decreased oxygen (hypoxia) This intermittent triggering a series of reactions in the body that will affect the heart and blood vessels to increased blood pressure.
Snoring, The Sign Of Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness. Now has been known that sleep apnea can cause hypertension, heart problems, diabetes to stroke.
Diagnosis of sleep apnea definitely need examination polysomnography in a sleep laboratory. Researchers from Saskatchewan, Canada, revealed that the elbow of the couple disturbed by noise snoring can predict their sleep apnea. Research disclosed in the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians in 2012, asking 124 people were examined in a sleep laboratory, whether they never elbowed because of snoring or look crowded during sleep.
The result is, if someone ever woken up because snoring, there is the possibility of 4 times he has stop breathing more than five times per hour. That is positive suffer from sleep apnea. While people who have woken up because it looks congested during sleep, he has the possibility of 6 times Great to have stopped breathing index of more than 5 per hour. Answer ever elbowed when snoring can be identifying sleep apnea patients by 84%.
While the answer seems ever woken up due to shortness during sleep can identify patients with sleep apnea 65%. The study looked "less work" have may actually be helpful in everyday life to recognize the likelihood of someone suffering from sleep apnea or not. Because sleep apnea risk health is not small. Question snoring or no, never elbowed because of snoring or dyspnoea sleep, can save someone's life.